RM Bridge Modeler Help

Cross section plot files / Strakon export

Strakon is a CAD program of the company DICAD specialized in the field of concrete drawings.

The cross sections assigned to segment points will be drawn in one or more plot files. Additionally, the 3D coordinates of the corner nodes at the boundary of the cross section will be written to an ASCII file. Strakon is able to handle this data.

Plot file prefix

Up to 64 cross sections will be drawn in a plot file using the chosen DIN-format. If there are more than 64 cross section, several plot files will be produced. The names of these files consist of the entered prefix, wild cards "??" and the extension .pl. Hence, plot files with names such as

[prefix]01.pl, [prefix]02.pl, ...

will be created. The prefix can have up to 6 characters.

Default: "cs"

Plot file filter

For an additional information, the current plot file filter is shown (compare above).

Existing plot files

By the described input rule, it is possible to produce more and more plot files (up to 99). Setting the option "Overwrite", all plot files existing up to now according to the corresponding filter will be deleted and the numbering starts again by "01".

Listfile name

The listfile contain the 3D-information about all boundary nodes of the cross sections.

Default: [segment name].lst


The plot file can be produced according to the DIN-formats A0, A1, A2, A3 or A4, respectively.

View to the cross section

Each cross section is 2-dimensionally defined. The program assumes assigning the cross sections to segment points, that the cross sections are defined by the eye direction against the axis. If the cross section is defined in the direction of axis, the option "Cross section definition in axis direction" has to be used.


The labeling and the user defined scale may be set.